My Father Bought a Spy Camera

I got a phone call from my mother the other day telling me my father bought a spy camera. I really had no idea how to respond to that statement so I asked her why he did it. She told me he saw one on TV and just had to have it. He plans on setting it up so he can watch anyone coming up to the door and see them before they ring the doorbell. Again, I asked why he did this. She said she had no idea, he must be going into his second childhood.

I decided to stop by and talk to my dad about spy cameras and see if I could figure out why he had decided to watch the front door. Imagine my surprise when he told me every house on the block had had some mail stolen in the past two months.  He is afraid someone is going to get his retirement check from the mailbox. It actually made sense to me then. I asked him why he hadn’t talked to mom about it and he told me he didn’t want her afraid to go out and get the mail because someone might be there. Sometimes Dad can really surprise me.

Since Mom was worried Dad was finally losing it, I explained Dad’s sudden interest in spy cameras for home use. She didn’t get scared at all. When I told her Dad didn’t want to tell her and scare her, she told me that was pretty funny since she always took the dog out to get the mail. It seems she has been afraid to get the mail for a couple of years now; the mailman gives her the creeps. Sometimes Mom can really surprise me.